and need help?
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call or text to 988.
Local/National Links for Suicide Prevention/Educational Resources
Support for those who've lost someone to suicide
- Afsp.org (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) / Healing Conversations
- Thehopeline.com
- Save.org
- Sprc.org (Suicide Prevention Resource Center)
- Samhsa.gov (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- Tristesse Grief Center (Grief support groups and counseling)
- Floral Haven grief recovery workshops
- Griefshare (weekly grief support meetings)
- The Compassionate Friends (support groups for loss of child)
- Light of Hope Oklahoma (Mother's Angels Child Loss Support Group)
Other Oklahoma Organizations Supporting Mental Health/Hope/Suicide Prevention:
- Lectio 365 - For daily reflection & encouragement from God's Word
- COPES / Mobile Crisis Service: 918-744-4800
- Calm Center (Immediate support, assessment & stabilization, ages 10-17)
- Parkside Psychiatric Hospital & Clinic: 918-588-8888
- Laureate Psychiatric Hospital & Clinic: 918-481-4000
- Family & Children's Services - Crisis Services: 918-921-3200
- "211" Helpline: 24 hour helpline & online resource for food, rent, mental health
- Domestic Violence Intervention Services: 918-585-3163 - 24 Hour Crisis Line: 918-743-5763
- Mental Health Association of Oklahoma (mhaok.org) - Support Groups: 918-585-1213
- Oklahoma Department of Mental Health - Suicide Prevention Training for Schools & Suicide Postvention
- Together Just - free & low cost mental health services for youth
- Heartline Oklahoma (heartlineoklahoma.org)
- Oklahoma Suicide Prevention Council (ok.gov/suicide prevention)
- CREOKS Mental Health Services (creoks.org)
- Celebrate Recovery
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Tulsa Mental Health Services/Nat’l Alliance on Mental Illness (namitulsa.org)
- Muscogee Creek National Dept of Health (creekhealth.org)
- OK Veterans Administration Suicide Prevention Department (ok.gov)
- Tyler Hudson Sonshine Foundation (tylerhudsonsonshinefoundation.org)
- Team Suicide Prevention (teamsuicideprevention.com)
- Warhawk PTSD Service Dogs